Tower Hamlets & Hackney Road Safety Campaign

We are pleased to be supporting the Tower Hamlets & Hackney Road Safety Campaign.

Tower Hamlets Council is committed to making the borough a safer place for all road users.  Road traffic collision statistics show we are right to prioritise this important issue.  Measures undertaken to make roads safer include encouraging speed reduction, effective use of traffic management techniques and educating road users.

The council carries out the following activities:

    • providing road safety education in schools
    • providing road safety information to members of the public
    • promoting the children’s traffic club
    • running the junior road safety officers club
    • providing and managing the school crossing patrol service

Reporting of damage or vandalism to roads and pavements helps ensure repairs are undertaken swiftly.

‘Speed humps’ can be constructed in order to reduce traffic speeds.

Pedestrian crossings installed of various types on key routes encourage people to walk and to improve safety.

School crossing patrols ensure children can cross the road safely on their way to school.

While motorcyclists are just 1% of total road traffic, they account for 16% of all road user deaths

Tower Hamlets has a 20mph speed limit.

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Essex CM24 8SQ

Tel: 01279 647333



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Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330380
