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Library Extension – Queen Mary University of London

Construction - Conservation / Education

Client: Queen Mary University of London

Location: Mile End Road, London

Value: £6m

Project duration: 44 weeks

What was our role?

Design and construction of a 2-story vertical extension to the Queen Mary University of London’s Mile End Library.

Our creation of a 3rd and 4th floor will provide around 500 additional study spaces across both floors and include private and group study spaces.

The structure comprises a steel frame of column and beam sections with vertical bracing, and the floors and roof slab are pre-cast concrete hollow planks. The side elevations are a combination of glazed curtain walling, rainscreen cladded façade, precast concrete planks, and solar fins.

The building has been designed to achieve BREEAM Very Good standards, incorporating a green roof, a green wall, and solar panels, creating an energy-efficient and sustainable building.

We are also delivering alterations and refurbishment works to the library’s second floor, including light demolition, new lift shaft and stairs, refurbishment of the various study areas, and new toilets. The internal works also include the installation of essential services, and fire and data arrangements with the final fitting out of fixtures, fittings, flooring coverings, and decorations.

Minimising disruption to the live university environment was key, and the University staff have praised our delivery team with very positive feedback. In particular, Kate Price QMUL Librarian said that “works had not disturbed us in any way.”

To mark our milestone completion of the roof and structure for the third and fourth-floor extensions, we held a Topping Out Ceremony to celebrate with the University staff. University President and Principal, Professor Colin Bailey thanked Hutton and invited the University Librarian, Kate Price, to cut the ribbon as part of the celebrations.

The project is due to complete end of summer 2023.

Photo credit © Amelie Ko/Queen Mary University of London
CGI image credit © Purcell Architects, Heritage Consultants, Masterplanners


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