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Hutton One Stop Doctors

One Stop Doctors Private Health Clinic

Construction - Healthcare

Client: One Stop Private Doctors Ltd

Location: One Stop Doctors Private Health Clinic, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts

Value: £4,740,000

Project duration: 79 weeks

What was our role?

Scope and nature of works comprised a new 2 storey extension (with roof top plant room) to existing medical Clinic in Business Park setting on outskirts of Hemel Hempstead. Works included; new reinforced concrete structural frame; brick/glass cladding; metal insulated cladding to the plant room; full fit-out of all interior spaces included 2 no operating theatre suites with fully integrated medical equipment; limited demolition works in existing clinic to facilitate link to new extension; limited internal reconfiguration works including demolition in existing clinic; new services connections to existing mains; new underground drainage works (foul and surface water); new M&E services installation throughout including air conditioning medical gas and life safety services and limited new external works to existing site area.

Architects: Halliday Meecham Partnership

Employers Agent: Lavingtons

Structural Engineer : Crouch Waterfall

M&E Consultant: CD International Building Services Engineers Ltd

Building Control: Assent Building Control Limited

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Hutton Construction Ltd
Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330386



Hutton Construction Ltd
Alsa Business Park,
Alsa Street,
Essex CM24 8SQ

Tel: 01279 647333



Hutton Shopfitting Ltd
Birch Business Centre,
Maldon Road,
Essex CO2 0LT

Tel: 01206 330380
